
house proud.

One of the fun things that comes along with my job, besides getting to see all different kinds of homes, is getting to imagine and envision the design of the new rooms with my clients. Once a client becomes interested in a home one of the first things they do is they start visualize their own furniture in the home, and they start thinking about what they want to buy, and what each room will be designated for. I always find it interesting that when people are house hunting they skip some of the important questions like, how much the condo fees and taxes are, and they ask what they really want to know......"Where would you put the TV?" I spend hours with clients placing imaginary furniture and discussing room usage, and after seeing so many homes and different layouts, I actually have gotten some insight on how to be creative with uniquely shaped rooms. The home buying process can be emotionality draining, so you have to make it fun somehow. Here are some rooms that give me inspiration for my own style, compliments of the Nate Berkus Show.

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