
5 tips to sell.

I feel like a broken record talking about the fact that "Spring market is here," but it is! This time of the year a lot of people know that the market will begin to pick up, and the weather brings people out and about with their buyers hats on. I have experienced this market cycle first hand, and it is currently in full effect. We have some listings that have been on for a while and had few showings, and suddenly we have had 4 showings per week. It also seems that many of our buyers who we have been talking to for a while and who have been on the fence about buying, are now suddenly ready. This is all good news for us in the housing industry, and although all things seem fine and dandy, we must remind our sellers that there are deals out there and everyone knows it. It seems that all buyers are looking for a deal, and rightfully so. When there is a high volume of listings and a buyers market, all sellers must come out with their best foot forward. Here are 5 things all buyers should do to be on top of their game!

1. Stage - If you want top dollar and to sell quickly, hire a professional stager. This will cost you upfront, but in the long run it saves you money. Statistically, staging brings a faster sale.

2. Disassociate yourself with the home -  Get rid of personal pictures and items. People like to be able to envision themselves in a home, and if all they can see is your family, it makes it difficult for them.

3. Rent a Storage Unit - Get all of your clutter out. Anything that is not perfect for a home, get rid of it for showings.

4. Make Minor Repairs - Make it so the buyers have nothing to pick at. Paint, repair holes and cracks, repair leaky faucets, replace light bulbs. The little things do count!

5. Curb Appeal - People will not even want to enter a home if they feel it is ugly. Make your home look as desirable as possible front the curb. Paint the front door, cut the grass, keep the lawn clean, plant colorful flowers. It is good to clean the windows and wet the mulch before pictures so it makes the colors stand out.

Once you do these few things, you are on your way!

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