

I leave for Marco Island, Florida Tuesday for a little vacation. Every year since I can remember I have gone to Marco Island with my family and my grandparents. My grandparents get a condo for a month every year, and it is a tradition that I always look forward to. This year is going to be a little different. A few weeks ago my grandmother found out she has to have surgery right away, and she had to cancel her trip to Florida. A tumor was found on her pancreas (it is not pancreatic cancer, just a tumor on her pancreas) and it is a long surgery that requires a month or so of recovery. So, this year Sally, my sister, and I are heading down alone. It will be sad, as our grandparents are supposed to accompany us and instead we will be alone. On the bright side, Sally's husband, Charlie, and my boyfriend, Greg will be joining us a few days later. We will have a wonderful time, and we are hoping that my grandparents will be able to make there own little trip down the first week of April. Please say a prayer for my family and hope and pray that her surgery tomorrow goes well.

With all of that being said - here are some fun suits I would love for Florida!

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