
word on the street.

Is it a sellers market?

It has been a buyers market since I moved back to Ohio is 2008 and got my Real Estate license here. With the First Time Home Buyers Tax Credit last year, low interest rates, and thousands of Short Sale properties and Foreclosed homes on the market, buyers have had a run on the market and been able to have the pick of the litter. Many news polls and statistics still show that there is more inventory than buyers, and it is technically still a buyers market, but our team has noticed something this Spring market....we have noticed sellers sticking to their guns and not negotiating as much as you would expect. Spring market does bring out a lot of buyers, and we have had several cases in our office recently where their are either multiple offers on a home, or the sellers refuse to do any request to remedy items, including radon and mold mitigation which are somewhat important issues and usually a no brainer as something that must be done. In a way, it is good that the sellers are gaining ground and evening out the industry, but is sure is a shock to those buyers out there who expect to get a HUGE deal because of this so called " buyers market." This trend is simply something we have noticed in our specific market, and is by no means an indicator of what is going on around the country...this is just a little anecdote and something to hopefully get people to realize that there may be change coming!

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