
5 reasons to use a young realtor.

1. We know how to work the Internet. 85% of buyers start their home search online. My generation grew up with the Internet; therefore know how to use it well and to our advantage.

2. We are tech savvy. We know how to actually use all of the technology offered. We can easily do mail merges, e-blasts, and create brochures and postcards.

3. We are mobile. Younger generations are hooked to their smart phones and although this can be annoying at times, it can also be beneficial in the Real Estate industry. If you use a young Realtor who is mobile savvy, you can guarantee they will not miss a phone call inquiry on your home. You can guarantee if an offer comes in, they will know about it the second it hits their inbox. You know that if an issue comes up, you will be able to reach them at any time.

4. We are social. Many Real Estate transactions occur because word of mouth. Younger generations are going out, getting involved, meeting new people, and networking all while talking about your property.

5. We are careful. When starting out at a young age it is necessary for an agent to earn their keep and gain respect and credibility. Younger generations do everything by the books and are careful not to make a mistake. If you are like me, the newer you are at something, the more meticulous and enthusiastic you are.

This is not to say a seasoned agent is not a great choice. Most of the things younger agents learn is from an experienced agent - this is why my team has meshed several generations together. It is the best of both worlds!

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