

Spring market is upon us, and many new homes are coming on the market. While attending several of the Realtor tours, I have seen a pattern of staging. Staging is when the seller cleans out the home, and in most cases has a company bring in furniture and decor to set the home up like a model home. Sometimes the stager or designer will simply move the current furniture around and have the owners take most of the clutter out. In cases of vacant homes, the entire homes is usually furnished with rental items from the staging company.

I think staging is a great idea!  It depersonalizes the home so potential buyers can envision themselves living there. If there are nick nacks and personal photos all over, the potential buyers have difficulty seeing their furniture and possessions through all of the current owners decor.

If you list your home and feel that it is not show ready, staging is the best way to go. A lot of the time people do not want to take the time to move all of their furniture out, and spend money to store it - so here are a couple of tips to get your home ready to show for Spring!

1. Paint walls neutral colors
2. Remove all personalzie family pictures
3. Clear off all tables and desks
4. Put any items you are not using, away- look where the focal point it. Where do your eyes go when you walk in the room? Be sure that space is clear and crsip.
5. Get rid of clutter!!!!!!!!

Below are some before and after pictures of a vacant home my team recently had staged!

Living Room Before

Living Room Before

Living Room After

Den Before

Den After

Master Before

Master After

Master After

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