
ready for florida.

One of the great perks of being a Realtor on a team of five agents is that vacation is always possible. There is no need to request time off, or count vacation days, and with 4 other people there is no need to worry about missing a beat...between the five of us, everything will always get done and there is ALWAYS someone available if a client wants to see a home, or needs an open house.

It’s the time of year where I start to get antsy about getting away from the Ohio weather and heading down South with my family. Now- as good as it sounds to get away from work, it is not always that easy...last year I wrote 3 offers and countered two from the lobby of my hotel. I'm not complaining, I'd take working on vacation over a 9-5 job any day of the week! March 1st - Florida, Here I come!

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